Shaip introduces its advanced NLP API, adept at deciphering unstructured Electronic Health Record (EHR) text. With Named Entity Recognition and Relationship Extraction models trained on vast EHR data, it guarantees precise insights. The user-friendly RESTful APIs simplify data extraction from EHR, identifying medical entities and their relationships. The engine, equipped with over 40 entity types, goes beyond simple keyword recognition, offering deep semantic analysis. It prioritizes data security and allows easy integration. This transformative tool not only converts raw EHR data into actionable insights but also paves the way for the future of healthcare NLP. Dive into the API documentation to unlock the full potential of your EHR data.
The Clinical NER and Relationship API requires authentication using an API key to ensure secure access and prevent unauthorized usage. When making requests to the API, you must include the API key in the request headers. The x-api-key header should contain your unique API key, which will be provided to you upon registration and subscription to the API service.
Please ensure that you keep your API key confidential and do not share it in publicly accessible areas, such as client-side code, version control repositories, or public forums. The API key grants access to your account and holds the necessary privileges to interact with the PHI Entity Recognition API.
To authenticate your API requests, include the x-api-key header in each POST request as shown in the example curl request. This way, our server can verify your credentials and provide access to the PHI Entity Recognition service.
API Endpoint:
- URL:
- Method: POST
- Headers:Content-Type: "application/json"
x-api-key: "wVxnqO9v773XDTxAnTadUa94v6eN1L4MWJDygVs1"
Ensure that you include the appropriate authentication details and headers with each API call to experience uninterrupted access to the Clinical NER API's powerful functionality. Our secure authentication process is designed to protect sensitive medical data and ensure that only authorized users can utilize this valuable service.
1curl -X POST ""
3 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
5 -H "x-api-key: wVxnqO9v773XDTxAnTadUa94v6eN1L4MWJDygVs1"
7 -d '{
9 }'
API Request
Request Parameter
To interact with the Clinical NER and Relationship API, you need to make a POST request to the designated endpoint. Please refer the structure of the API request along with the required fields:
data (String, Required): This field is mandatory and must contain the actual content string of the medical document that requires entity and relationship extraction from unstructured data.
For your convenience, you can employ the following CURL command to craft a well-structured HTTP request with the mandatory parameter:
Example Request Explanation:
In this example, we perform a POST request to the API endpoint The request is made with the necessary headers, including "Content-Type" as "application/json" and the "x-api-key" for authentication.
The request body contains a JSON object with the "data" field, which is essential for the API to extract entities and relationships from unstructured data. The value of the "data" field is the actual medical text that requires analysis and extraction. Please replace the sample data with the specific medical content you wish to process.
Ensure that you follow the proper API guidelines and provide valid JSON data within the "data" field to receive accurate unstructured data extraction results.
1curl -X POST ""
3 -H "Content-Type: application/json"
5 -H "x-api-key: wVxnqO9v773XDTxAnTadUa94v6eN1L4MWJDygVs1"
7 -d '{
8 "data": {
9 "content": "DIAGNOSIS:
101. Possible NSTEMI
112. Possible CHF
141. Congestive heart failure
152. Hypertension, malignant
163. History of seizures
174. Diabetic neuropathy
185. Anxiety
196. Obstructive sleep apnea
23Humulin 100 units q.d .
24Xanax 500 mg two q.h.s.
25Coreg 6.25 mg oral tablet q.d .
26Dilantin 100 mg capsule q.d . "
27 }
28 }'
API Response
Response Parameter
- entityType (Enum, Required): The type of the detected entity.
- textSpans (List, Required): A list of text spans representing the content of the entity. Each text span has:
- begin (Integer, Required): The calculated begin offset of the text span.
- end (Integer, Required): The calculated end offset of the text span.
- text (String, Required): The text of the text span.
- certainty (Enum, Required): The certainty value of the detected entity. Possible values: POSITIVE, POSSIBLE_POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, POSSIBLE_NEGATIVE, UNCERTAIN, CONDITIONAL.
- status (Enum, Required): The status value of the detected entity. Possible values: CURRENT, HISTORY, FAMILY_HISTORY, FUTURISTIC.
- section_header (String, Required): The section header reference from the unstructured patient report. For example, 'DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS', 'MEDICATIONS', 'PAST MEDICAL HISTORY'.
- confidence (Double, Required): The confidence score indicating the level of certainty for detecting this entity with the given entity type. The score ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 represents the highest confidence.
- relationType (Enum, Required): The type of the detected relation.
- head: Details of the head entity in the relation.
- textSpans (List, Required): A list of text spans representing the content of the head entity. Each text span has:
- begin (Integer, Required): The calculated begin offset of the text span.
- end (Integer, Required): The calculated end offset of the text span.
- text (String, Required): The text of the text span.
- entityType (Enum, Required): The type of the head entity.
- tail: Details of the tail entity in the relation.
- textSpans (List, Required): A list of text spans representing the content of the tail entity. Each text span has:
- begin (Integer, Required): The calculated begin offset of the text span.
- end (Integer, Required): The calculated end offset of the text span.
- text (String, Required): The text of the text span.
- entityType (Enum, Required): The type of the tail entity.
The well-organized response from the ICD10CM API ensures that healthcare applications can effortlessly access and utilize the recommended ICD-10-CM codes along with the corresponding evidence, enabling precise medical coding and enhanced patient data analysis.
Response Parameter Values
Entity Type Values
We have a set of defined entities that are important for understanding the text. These are stand-alone entities like diseases, anatomies, procedures, medical devices, etc (described below). We have annotated a large number of clinical documents. We have used this annotated data to train our ML and DL models.
Clinical Entities
- Examples: Shortness of breath, pain, confusion, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, elevated liver function tests, etc.
- Examples: Carcinoma, depression, anxiety, lesions, polyps, etc
- Example: Pregnant / weeks of gestation, Gravida- Para Information, Menopause / Menstruation information, Artificial opening status
- Example: It includes all types of radiology procedures like MRI scan, CAT scan, X- ray, EKG, ECG, etc
- Example: Common Therapeutic_Procedures include a broad spectrum of interventions from immunizations to chemotherapy/ radiation therapy, from surgeries to physical / occupational therapies.
- Example: “Patient is suffering from lung cancer”
- Example: “The patient who had seen her primary care a couple of days ago, was taken off her lisinopril and digoxin.” She was transfused PRBCs as well due to low hemoglobin count.
- Example: “The patient was started on dose dense Adriamycin and Cytoxan (ddAC) as his first cycle of chemotherapy”.
- Example: “Reason for visit: Nasogastric tube removal.
- Example: “The patient has a history of alcohol and cocaine use.
- Example: “White blood cell 3.0, hemoglobin 13.9, and lymphocytes 48.”
- Example: “Pulse: 80. BP: 110/70. Respirations: 16. Temp: 97.4”
- Example: “Heart sounds, Bowel sounds, Reflex, Diastolic function, walking, urinating, peristalsis, hemostasis, etc”
- Example: HR+/HER2-, HER2+/HR-, BRAF+. ER+, PR+, ER-, PR-, etc
- Example: “The patient has T2 N1 M0 breast cancer”
- She has pain in her right hand. She also has left pneumothorax. She has a history of unilateral pneumonectomy.
- She has chronic hypertension and has stage IB breast cancer.
- The patient has a non-displaced fracture.
- The patient is non-compliant to his medications. The patient also does not adhere to the CPAP treatment.
Drug Attributes
here are many attributes linked to Medicine. It is important to identify all the attributes to capture the whole scenario. Below mentioned are the Attributes specific to Drug.
Body Measurement Attributes
Body Function Attributes
Lab Data Attributes
Diagnostic Procedure Attributes
Therapeutic Procedure Attributes
Relation Type Values
There are multiple relationships possible between the primary NER entity types. Below is the list of possible relationships between different categories:
- Sign & Symptom to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Medical_Condition to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Medical_State to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Therapeutic_Procedure to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Diagnostic_Procedure to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Medical_device to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Body_Measurement to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Body_Function to Anatomical_Structure (has_Anatomy)
- Therapeutic_Procedure to Medical_device (has_Use)
- Diagnostic_Procedure to Medical_device (has_Use)
- Diagnostic_Procedure to Medical_Condition/Sign_Symptom/Medical_State (has_Result)
- Drug to Medical_Condition/Sign_Symptom (has_Adverse_Effect)
- Drug_Combo to Medical_Condition/Sign_Symptom (has_Adverse_Effect)
- Therapeutic_Procedure to Sign_Symptom/Medical_Condition (has_Adverse_Effect)
- Diagnostic_Procedure to Sign_Symptom/Medical_Condition (has_Adverse_Effect)
- Medical_Condition/Sign_Symptom to Drug (has_Treatment)
- Medical_Condition/Sign_Symptom to Drug_Combo (has_Treatment)
- Medical_Condition/Sign_Symptom to Therapeutic_Procedure (has_Treatment)
- Therapeutic_Procedure to Diagnostic_Procedure (Has Guidance)
- Anatomical_Structure to Laterality (has_Location)
- Sign_Symptom to Laterality (has_Location)
- Medical_Condition to Laterality (has_Location)
- Medical_State to Laterality (has_Location)
- Diagnostic_Procedure to Laterality (has_Location)
- Therapeutic_Procedure to Laterality (has_Location)
- Medical_Device to Laterality (has_Location)
- Body_Measurement to Laterality (has_Location)
- Body_Function to Laterality (has_Location)
- Sign_Symptom to Severity (has_Severity)
- Medical_Condition/Medical_State to Severity (has_Severity)
- Substance_Abuse to Severity (has_Severity)
- Medical_Device to Compliance_Status (has_Compliance)
- Drug/Drug_Combo to Compliance_Status (has_Compliance)
- Therapeutic_Procedure/Diagnostic_Procedure to Compliance_Status (has_Compliance)
- Anatomical_Structure to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Sign_Symptom to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Medical_Condition/Medical_State to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Substance_abuse to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Medical_Device to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Body_Function to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Body_Measurement to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Drug/Drug_Combo to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Laboratory_Data to Generic (has_Modifier)
- Medicine to Medicine Attributes (has_Med_Attribute)
- Body_Measurement to Body_Measurement Attributes (has_BM_Attribute)
- Laboratory_Data to Laboratory_Data Attributes (has_Lab_Attribute)
- Body_Function to Body_Function Attributes (has_BF_Attribute)
- Diagnostic_Procedure to Diagnostic_Procedure (DP) Attributes (has_DP_Attribute)
- Therapeutic_Procedure to Therapeutic_Procedure (TP) Attributes (has_TP_Attribute)
Negation and Status Values
In the medical domain a patient's medical history is provided in the medical document and it’s a current medical condition and also contains some information about what “patient doesn’t have” or what “patient denies”. To support it, we have a Status and Negation module that we have defined sentence with the scope of each negation type as well as maintained our own database and that works on keyword-based to identify status and certainty of entities (Problems, Procedures...etc)
There are various Negation and Status are defined by us that are mentioned below:
Negation Detector | Status Detector |
Negative | Current |
Possible Negative | History |
Possible Positive | Family history |
Positive | Futuristic |
Uncertain | |
Conditional |
Negation Value
Status Value
2 "requestId": 270,
3 "entities": [
4 {
5 "id": 1,
6 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
7 "textSpans": [
8 {
9 "text": "NSTEMI",
10 "begin": 23,
11 "end": 29
12 }
13 ],
14 "certainty": "POSSIBLE_POSITIVE",
15 "confidence": 0.9897,
16 "section": "DIAGNOSIS",
17 "status": "CURRENT",
18 "root": true
19 },
20 {
21 "id": 2,
22 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
23 "textSpans": [
24 {
25 "text": "CHF",
26 "begin": 42,
27 "end": 45
28 }
29 ],
30 "certainty": "POSSIBLE_POSITIVE",
31 "confidence": 0.9955,
32 "section": "DIAGNOSIS",
33 "status": "CURRENT",
34 "root": true
35 },
36 {
37 "id": 3,
38 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
39 "textSpans": [
40 {
41 "text": "Congestive heart failure",
42 "begin": 70,
43 "end": 94
44 }
45 ],
46 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
47 "confidence": 0.9876,
48 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
49 "status": "CURRENT",
50 "root": true
51 },
52 {
53 "id": 4,
54 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
55 "textSpans": [
56 {
57 "text": "Hypertension",
58 "begin": 98,
59 "end": 110
60 }
61 ],
62 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
63 "confidence": 0.9525,
64 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
65 "status": "CURRENT",
66 "root": true
67 },
68 {
69 "id": 5,
70 "entityType": "GENERIC",
71 "textSpans": [
72 {
73 "text": "malignant",
74 "begin": 112,
75 "end": 121
76 }
77 ],
78 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
79 "confidence": 0.7233,
80 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
81 "status": "CURRENT",
82 "root": false
83 },
84 {
85 "id": 6,
86 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
87 "textSpans": [
88 {
89 "text": "seizures",
90 "begin": 136,
91 "end": 144
92 }
93 ],
94 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
95 "confidence": 0.9906,
96 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
97 "status": "HISTORY",
98 "root": true
99 },
100 {
101 "id": 7,
102 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
103 "textSpans": [
104 {
105 "text": "Diabetic neuropathy",
106 "begin": 148,
107 "end": 167
108 }
109 ],
110 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
111 "confidence": 0.9503,
112 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
113 "status": "CURRENT",
114 "root": true
115 },
116 {
117 "id": 8,
118 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
119 "textSpans": [
120 {
121 "text": "Anxiety",
122 "begin": 171,
123 "end": 178
124 }
125 ],
126 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
127 "confidence": 0.9851,
128 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
129 "status": "CURRENT",
130 "root": true
131 },
132 {
133 "id": 9,
134 "entityType": "MEDICAL_CONDITION",
135 "textSpans": [
136 {
137 "text": "Obstructive sleep apnea",
138 "begin": 182,
139 "end": 205
140 }
141 ],
142 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
143 "confidence": 0.9928,
144 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS",
145 "status": "CURRENT",
146 "root": true
147 },
148 {
149 "id": 10,
150 "entityType": "DRUG",
151 "textSpans": [
152 {
153 "text": "Humulin",
154 "begin": 249,
155 "end": 256
156 }
157 ],
158 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
159 "confidence": 0.9936,
160 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
161 "status": "CURRENT",
162 "root": true
163 },
164 {
165 "id": 11,
166 "entityType": "STRENGTH_MED",
167 "textSpans": [
168 {
169 "text": "100",
170 "begin": 257,
171 "end": 260
172 }
173 ],
174 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
175 "confidence": 0.9962,
176 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
177 "status": "CURRENT",
178 "root": false
179 },
180 {
181 "id": 12,
182 "entityType": "UNIT_MED",
183 "textSpans": [
184 {
185 "text": "units",
186 "begin": 261,
187 "end": 266
188 }
189 ],
190 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
191 "confidence": 0.9979,
192 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
193 "status": "CURRENT",
194 "root": false
195 },
196 {
197 "id": 13,
198 "entityType": "FREQUENCY_MED",
199 "textSpans": [
200 {
201 "text": "q.d",
202 "begin": 267,
203 "end": 270
204 }
205 ],
206 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
207 "confidence": 0.8761,
208 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
209 "status": "CURRENT",
210 "root": false
211 },
212 {
213 "id": 14,
214 "entityType": "DRUG",
215 "textSpans": [
216 {
217 "text": "Xanax",
218 "begin": 273,
219 "end": 278
220 }
221 ],
222 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
223 "confidence": 0.9934,
224 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
225 "status": "CURRENT",
226 "root": true
227 },
228 {
229 "id": 15,
230 "entityType": "STRENGTH_MED",
231 "textSpans": [
232 {
233 "text": "500",
234 "begin": 279,
235 "end": 282
236 }
237 ],
238 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
239 "confidence": 0.9965,
240 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
241 "status": "CURRENT",
242 "root": false
243 },
244 {
245 "id": 16,
246 "entityType": "UNIT_MED",
247 "textSpans": [
248 {
249 "text": "mg",
250 "begin": 283,
251 "end": 285
252 }
253 ],
254 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
255 "confidence": 0.9982,
256 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
257 "status": "CURRENT",
258 "root": false
259 },
260 {
261 "id": 17,
262 "entityType": "DOSE_MED",
263 "textSpans": [
264 {
265 "text": "two",
266 "begin": 286,
267 "end": 289
268 }
269 ],
270 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
271 "confidence": 0.9821,
272 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
273 "status": "CURRENT",
274 "root": false
275 },
276 {
277 "id": 18,
278 "entityType": "FREQUENCY_MED",
279 "textSpans": [
280 {
281 "text": "q.h.s.",
282 "begin": 290,
283 "end": 296
284 }
285 ],
286 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
287 "confidence": 0.8569,
288 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
289 "status": "CURRENT",
290 "root": false
291 },
292 {
293 "id": 19,
294 "entityType": "DRUG",
295 "textSpans": [
296 {
297 "text": "Coreg",
298 "begin": 297,
299 "end": 302
300 }
301 ],
302 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
303 "confidence": 0.9912,
304 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
305 "status": "CURRENT",
306 "root": true
307 },
308 {
309 "id": 20,
310 "entityType": "STRENGTH_MED",
311 "textSpans": [
312 {
313 "text": "6.25",
314 "begin": 303,
315 "end": 307
316 }
317 ],
318 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
319 "confidence": 0.9141,
320 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
321 "status": "CURRENT",
322 "root": false
323 },
324 {
325 "id": 21,
326 "entityType": "UNIT_MED",
327 "textSpans": [
328 {
329 "text": "mg",
330 "begin": 308,
331 "end": 310
332 }
333 ],
334 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
335 "confidence": 0.9971,
336 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
337 "status": "CURRENT",
338 "root": false
339 },
340 {
341 "id": 22,
342 "entityType": "ROUTE_MED",
343 "textSpans": [
344 {
345 "text": "oral",
346 "begin": 311,
347 "end": 315
348 }
349 ],
350 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
351 "confidence": 0.9925,
352 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
353 "status": "CURRENT",
354 "root": false
355 },
356 {
357 "id": 23,
358 "entityType": "FORM_MED",
359 "textSpans": [
360 {
361 "text": "tablet",
362 "begin": 316,
363 "end": 322
364 }
365 ],
366 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
367 "confidence": 0.9925,
368 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
369 "status": "CURRENT",
370 "root": false
371 },
372 {
373 "id": 24,
374 "entityType": "FREQUENCY_MED",
375 "textSpans": [
376 {
377 "text": "q.d",
378 "begin": 323,
379 "end": 326
380 }
381 ],
382 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
383 "confidence": 0.8976,
384 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
385 "status": "CURRENT",
386 "root": false
387 },
388 {
389 "id": 25,
390 "entityType": "DRUG",
391 "textSpans": [
392 {
393 "text": "Dilantin",
394 "begin": 329,
395 "end": 337
396 }
397 ],
398 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
399 "confidence": 0.9933,
400 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
401 "status": "CURRENT",
402 "root": true
403 },
404 {
405 "id": 26,
406 "entityType": "STRENGTH_MED",
407 "textSpans": [
408 {
409 "text": "100",
410 "begin": 338,
411 "end": 341
412 }
413 ],
414 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
415 "confidence": 0.9971,
416 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
417 "status": "CURRENT",
418 "root": false
419 },
420 {
421 "id": 27,
422 "entityType": "UNIT_MED",
423 "textSpans": [
424 {
425 "text": "mg",
426 "begin": 342,
427 "end": 344
428 }
429 ],
430 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
431 "confidence": 0.9984,
432 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
433 "status": "CURRENT",
434 "root": false
435 },
436 {
437 "id": 28,
438 "entityType": "FORM_MED",
439 "textSpans": [
440 {
441 "text": "capsule",
442 "begin": 345,
443 "end": 352
444 }
445 ],
446 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
447 "confidence": 0.9869,
448 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
449 "status": "CURRENT",
450 "root": false
451 },
452 {
453 "id": 29,
454 "entityType": "FREQUENCY_MED",
455 "textSpans": [
456 {
457 "text": "q.d",
458 "begin": 353,
459 "end": 356
460 }
461 ],
462 "certainty": "POSITIVE",
463 "confidence": 0.8725,
464 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
465 "status": "CURRENT",
466 "root": false
467 }
468 ],
469 "relationships": [
470 {
471 "id": 1,
472 "entityIds": [],
473 "section": "DIAGNOSIS"
474 },
475 {
476 "id": 2,
477 "entityIds": [],
478 "section": "DIAGNOSIS"
479 },
480 {
481 "id": 3,
482 "entityIds": [],
483 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS"
484 },
485 {
486 "id": 4,
487 "entityIds": [
488 {
489 "id": 5,
490 "entityIds": []
491 }
492 ],
493 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS"
494 },
495 {
496 "id": 6,
497 "entityIds": [],
498 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS"
499 },
500 {
501 "id": 7,
502 "entityIds": [],
503 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS"
504 },
505 {
506 "id": 8,
507 "entityIds": [],
508 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS"
509 },
510 {
511 "id": 9,
512 "entityIds": [],
513 "section": "DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS"
514 },
515 {
516 "id": 10,
517 "entityIds": [
518 {
519 "id": 11,
520 "entityIds": []
521 },
522 {
523 "id": 12,
524 "entityIds": []
525 },
526 {
527 "id": 13,
528 "entityIds": []
529 }
530 ],
531 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS"
532 },
533 {
534 "id": 14,
535 "entityIds": [
536 {
537 "id": 17,
538 "entityIds": []
539 },
540 {
541 "id": 18,
542 "entityIds": []
543 },
544 {
545 "id": 15,
546 "entityIds": []
547 },
548 {
549 "id": 16,
550 "entityIds": []
551 }
552 ],
553 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS"
554 },
555 {
556 "id": 19,
557 "entityIds": [
558 {
559 "id": 20,
560 "entityIds": []
561 },
562 {
563 "id": 21,
564 "entityIds": []
565 },
566 {
567 "id": 22,
568 "entityIds": []
569 },
570 {
571 "id": 23,
572 "entityIds": []
573 },
574 {
575 "id": 24,
576 "entityIds": []
577 }
578 ],
579 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS"
580 },
581 {
582 "id": 25,
583 "entityIds": [
584 {
585 "id": 26,
586 "entityIds": []
587 },
588 {
589 "id": 27,
590 "entityIds": []
591 },
592 {
593 "id": 28,
594 "entityIds": []
595 },
596 {
597 "id": 29,
598 "entityIds": []
599 }
600 ],
601 "section": "DISCHARGE MEDS"
602 }
603 ],
604 "sections": [
605 {
606 "sectionId": 1,
607 "name": "DIAGNOSIS",
608 "begin": 0,
609 "end": 10
610 },
611 {
612 "sectionId": 2,
614 "begin": 46,
615 "end": 66
616 },
617 {
618 "sectionId": 3,
619 "name": "DISCHARGE MEDS",
620 "begin": 206,
621 "end": 221
622 }
623 ]
When interacting with the Shaip API, you may encounter specific error codes, along with standard HTTP response statuses and corresponding error messages in the response body. Below is a table summarizing the possible error codes, along with their respective HTTP status and updated response body:
Response Code | HTTP Status | Response Body |
400 | Bad Request | { "error": "The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter." } |
401 | Unauthorized | { "error": "No valid API key provided." } |
402 | Token Expired | { "error": "Token expired. Please contact administrator" } |
403 | Forbidden | { "error": "The API key doesn't have permissions to perform the request." } |
429 | Trial Quota Excceded | { "error": "Trial quota for API calls exceeded. Please upgrade your plan or try again later." } |
500 | Internal Server Error | { "error": "Something went wrong on the server's end. Please try again later." } |
2 "error": "The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter."